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pend to await judgment or decision. [2 definitions]
pending in the period of waiting; until. [4 definitions]
point the sharp end of something. [18 definitions]
ponder to think about something deeply and carefully; meditate. [2 definitions]
pounce to jump or swoop down in order to seize or capture something. [4 definitions]
pound1 to strike repeatedly and heavily. [8 definitions]
pound2 a unit of weight equal to sixteen ounces or 453.592 grams in the avoirdupois weight system, and equal to twelve ounces or 373.242 grams in the apothecaries' and troy weight systems. (abbr.: lb.) [4 definitions]
pound3 a shelter for confining or housing homeless animals. [3 definitions]
punt1 in football, a kick made by dropping the ball and then kicking it before it hits the ground. (Cf. drop kick, place kick.) [3 definitions]
sign anything that indicates the presence or existence of a fact, event, quality, or tendency; indicator; indication. [11 definitions]
undersign to sign one's name at the bottom of (a letter or document).